Finding and expressing your passion in life is one of the keys to happiness. When you’re really in touch with your what fuels you, your life has more meaning and purpose. For many, it can be hard to figure out what their passion is.
Passion is that activity that you don’t have to do because it comes easy to you and is fun and enjoyable for you. It is something that you do with pleasure and enthusiasm because you find it so deeply satisfying.
Here are some ways to find your own passion:
- Take fifteen minutes a day to be by yourself and journal. Ideally, start in the morning and write your morning pages. If that sounds overwhelming, start with one or two days a week and build up. For more information on morning pages – see
- Say goodbye to those people in your life who are not good for you. If you don’t know who they are, use the Energy Givers and Robbers exercise to help you.
- If you haven’t already, start a gratitude journal to change the way you think about your life. Take a few minutes at the start of your day to say or write down 3-5 things in your life that you are grateful.
- Go on a passion quest. Spend the next week paying attention to what you love, what touches you, what matters to you, even what angers and frustrates you. There’s a pattern in your life of things that you are attracted to, that you enjoy, that makes your heart sing! It is a matter of taking the time to see if you can tune in to what the pattern is.
- Limit your television watching and time on social media and get active. Make movement that you enjoy a regular part of your day – but try to do so unplugged so that you can hear the voice of your heart speak to you.
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