"Get Started with Chapter 1"
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As a Naturopathic doctor, people are surprised to hear me talk openly about my mental health struggles. After taking medication initially prescribed to alleviate depression and anxiety, I swung into a psychotic manic episode and was diagnosed with bipolar disorder type 1.
After surviving a suicide attempt (which left me in a coma with kidney failure), I couldn’t ignore it anymore. I needed to find another way to navigate my mental health that included more than simply taking medications.
The system saved me in my journey by resuscitating me back to life; but I was without that spark, that joie de vive, that skip in my step, until I discovered how to heal using naturopathic medicine. I say that western medicine allowed me to survive, and with naturopathic medicine I now thrive in my life. And the same can be true for you.
Now the darkness no longer settles in. I don't fall into the depths of despair as I have tools, strategies, and done the deep inner work to understand how to navigate this journey we call "life."
I know that there are powerful, uplifting, and reliable paths toward wellness. Take my hand, and let me guide you on this journey to breaking free from mental health labels.